
Posts Tagged ‘Spirit’

blogging-out-loudIt has been a few days since my last post and that is a couple of days more than I would optimally like to take off.  As it stands right now it will be a few more days before I have anything of substance to offer for my followers and for the general who might happen to stumble in through a search engine or another related link.


I’ve been under the weather.  I am on a new medication that just knocks the energy right out of me and makes me sleepy as I can be.  Hopefully this is a temporary side-effect (that’s what I’m TOLD, anyway).  We shall see.  If the side-effects continue much longer then I am going to have a serious heart-to-heart with the quack who prescribed the poison.  Just kidding; I’m not nearly that cynical — at least not to their faces.  😀

So . . . .

Look for me back next week.  I seriously need to get back to the Prophet series and finish up on Elijah.

I also am itching to do some more single article essays.  I will scratch as I am able and the Spirit moves me.  Be patient.  God is working on me.

In Christ’s Love, Michael

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